Monday, July 8, 2013

“Never underestimate how much assistance, how much satisfaction, how much comfort, how much soul and transcendence there might be in a well-made taco and a cold bottle of beer.” Tom Robbins

When my dad asks me what I think Kim Kardashian named her baby, and proceeds to tell me, laughing, and my daughter says "They don't come up with very good names for kids" and everyone is so excited about well, things I think are stupid, despite my new anthropological training, I still have an overwhelming desire to run and hide in books.

I saw everyone getting excited about Pearl Jam touring in concert on Facebook this morning.

I liked Kurt Cobain.

I never liked Pearl Jam.

In high school, I thought those kids complaining about the world, and who were "liberal" and listened to Pearl Jam to be rebels, the ones with 4.0 GPAs and valedictorian, who came from well-to-do families, I just had to hold my piece and what I really thought about most of them all of the time. I still do, essentially.

I remember why I want to be a writer. Somewhere to put my imagination and entertain people. And be private while very public in other ways. This lifestyle is immensely attractive to me.

 I feel an imminent sense of a Vogon Ship on the horizon at those moments, when I feel humanity reaches new heights of stupidity, I think.  I have to hide until the feeling passes that the rest of the universe already knows a lot of the human race is idiotic.

There have been articles about transmission of our TV waves into outerspace. This means, for all intents and purposes aliens have seen humans at their most naked. Do I just embrace my own idiocy? I suppose, I have to own it.

Easier said than done for an introverted quiet kid with a large imagination who didn't bother to study and slid by in most of my classes in high school. I tried to come out of my shell and just enjoy the world's absurdity, to discipline myself in the studies of "Erleichda."

 My imagination often made more sense then the so-called real world.  It took about twenty years to come out of my shell.  I still have those feelings of wanting to hide and build my own spaceship, but for now, earth's all I've got. So, I've got to make the best of it. Ultimately, when I hyperventilate over an inanity of humanity,  I immerse myself in art and history and find beauty  and I come back feeling all right. Other people have their addictions, mine is thinking.

I really would prefer to continue to my education in Medieval Art History. I don't want to ever hear Pearl Jam again if i can help it, but I do like "Red Solo Cup." I do take a lot of pleasure in listening to  Jordi Savall.

I think I found the balance in part, thanks to writers like Tom Robbins, but mostly thanks to my own love like many people like me, of simple, delicious things in life, like a good taco and a beer. They seem so simple, but in fact, making a taco and a beer is a very complicated and intricate process.

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