Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I'm late, I'm late! By about 20 years....:)

The next ten years of my life require a real Buddha palm smackdown. I can't go back in the past and tell my younger self "Stop right there! You will get financial independence and be successful before you do ANY thing else."

I didn't care about money and power when I was young.  I wanted to be a writer who was also a good-natured college professor who was there to say, hey, crappy things happen, but we still have art, poetry, beauty, love, too.

 I would certainly get my own business while working on being a damn successful writer.

That way, if writing didn't work out, I'd have my business and keep creating wealth and infusing my community.
I've been trying a new time management schedule to do all the things I want to do.

I try to schedule an hour for writing (fiction, poetry etc) an hour for research, an hour on volunteer/internship work, and then I spend about two hours looking for and applying for jobs. I play with the kids.  I try to go for a run for one hour in the morning and at least half an hour in the evening.

 It is really hard for me to pull myself off one task when I'm "in the zone" and focus on another one.  Especially when I'm writing something I really like and I think it's good. Some part of me just wants to spend all my time writing.  I've been thinking maybe that would be the better investment. I haven't even gotten the Princeton Review for grad school yet! That's next. I want to be ready to take the GRE in fall and apply for grad school in winter.

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