Monday, June 22, 2009

The Sexiest Men Scientists in TV and Movies Mad, Sane, and Otherwise

I just want to start this blog with an excerpt from the song stuck in my head right now, "Paradise by the Dashboard Light," by Meatloaf. Because the subject is sci-fi hotties and characters, has been observed often, from the dashboard of a car at a drive-in theater, and I always think of my parents watching some of these actors and movies probably one of the times I was in fact conceived. In a Ranchero, NOT an El Camino as I was just informed this morning.

This song still makes me laugh pretty hard, as I remember pulling Bat Out of Hell out of my mom's vinyl record stash -- the awesome, illustrated album in all its kick ass 70s glory and putting it on my stereo one night when my dad was visiting. The record had probably been around since my parent's were the age of the characters in the musical drama. My dad started snorting and laughing, grabbing the lyrics and his face turned a deep, deep red.

My mom rolled her eyes at my dad and smiled.

I grabbed the lyrics from my dad and instantly understood a bit of family history and started laughing too.

To this day, I get a big kick out of singing and going a bit over the top re-enacting this song and many other Meatloaf songs.

GIRL: I gotta know right now Do you love me?
Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
I gotta know right now!
Before we go any further Do you love me? And will you love me forever? BOY: Let me sleep on it Baby, baby let me sleep on it Let me sleep on it
And I'll give you an answer in the morning Let me sleep on it
Will you love me forever?
Let me sleep on it GIRL: Will you love me forever!!!! III. PRAYING FOR THE END OF TIME I couldn't take it any longer Lord I was crazed And when the feeling came upon me Like a tidal wave I started swearing to my god and on my mother's grave That I would love you to the end of time I swore that I would love you to the end of time! So now I'm praying for the end of time To hurry up and arrive 'Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you I don't think that I can really survive I'll never break my promise or forget my vow But God only knows what I can do right now I'm praying for the end of time It's all that I can do Praying for the end of time, So I can end my time with you!! BOY: It was long ago and it was far away And it was so much better that it is today GIRL: It never felt so good It never felt so right And we were glowing like A metal on the edge of a knife


So now that we've established a proper cheeseball atmosphere of American cinema the way it used to be, and essentially the way it is still in living rooms or dens across the nations when dutiful parents aren't around, on to the sexiest,  Scientist men in TV and film.

What makes a scientist hot isn't always what makes the typical hunk hot. As a friend of mine, once wrote on my Facebook wall "Don't you just love a man with a big . . . . intellect?"

1. Captain Nemo -- James Mason -- 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Captain Nemo was also played by Patrick Stewart who I find sexy in other roles, as well as Ben Cross, and Naseeruddin Shah. But the best in my book is still James Mason. He is clearly a great man, passionate about his awe-inspiring visions, which he can bring to life and he inspires incredible loyalty. He has a deep and abiding genuine love and hate for his fellow human beings. One of my favorite characters of all time, one of the most rounded with the most depth, the world would be a drearier place without Nemo in it. I still hate the sinking of the Nautilus and Nemo dying. That is the real tragedy. As a kid, I wanted to save him from the "good" guys. I still do, everytime I watch it.

2. Seth Brundle In the Fly. -- Jeff Goldblum. Before he becomes a monstrous hybrid of man and fly, he is a cute, neurotic nerd, obsessed with teleportation. After the fly gets inside him, he is filled with confidence and unfortunately with the new insect hormones becomes wildly promiscuous. Sadly, he eventually transforms into a monstrous hybrid.

3. Dr. Sam Beckett -- Scott Bakula -- That reassuring voice, the sensitive eyes, the guy next door smile, a package of all that is American liberal wholesomeness and yet he can still kick ass, even dueling with the Devil himself.  He walked in many a woman's shoes. Liked him from the moment he cursed whoever invented high heels. Go Sam, Go!

4. David Levinson: In Independence Day, he strides around in that ridiculously body hugging white tank top showing off his skin and build,with that teasing little necklace bouncing around his neck. and we watch him twitch. He is everything that is adorable geek: cutely neurotic, I can tell he stays up really late all night drinking coffee and contemplating physics and the fate of the universe, looking very intensely concerned. Viewers just know he and his ex will get back together. Awwww!

Speaking of Cute Neurotics -- it seems most scientists and intellectuals are portrayed that way on film and TV -- take the recent franchise The Big Bang Theory, with its entire apartment complex full of nerds as a prime example.

Can you say stereotype boys and girls?

5.Sherlock Holmes -- Robert Downey Jr -- Need I say more? Our man Holmes was one of the very first CSI investigators -- and that's forensic science. Holmes is entirely attractive because of the way he thinks and talks and carries himself and it never seems to have anything to do with his looks, until Downey took over. My favorite Holmes was Robert Stephens in The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes which is also my favorite Holmes film, followed by The Young Sherlock Holmes.

6. Dr. Ian Malcolm -- Goldblum struts around the dinosaur filled Jurassic Park spouting Chaos Theory looking like a bad boy beatnik of physics dressed all in black. He does cry and scream like a girl. Oh well! Guess what? Sam Neill doesn't even make the list! He's too bland. (Even in Event Horizon)

7. Victor Frankenstein --- Kenneth Brannagh -- Mary Shelly's Frankenstein -- There is one scene in Mary Shelly's Frankenstein where Brannagh is writhing around wet on the floor in black leather pants, that makes the whole movie worth while, even if the rest of it were pure schlock. But the eye candy of watching Brannagh waltz around the entire movie in those damn 18th century clothes & with that incredible hair and those cheekbones just makes my heart go pitter-patter. Until he says something condescending.

8. Victor Frankenstein -- Sting -- The Bride --Sexy, yet an evil, devious bastard I cannot like. One of the few times I personally found Sting unattractive, but other people still like to look at him, so there you go.

9. Professor Roy Hinkley -- Russell Johnson from Gilligan's Island. One of the first scientists I crushed on, I would watch the show just to see him. He pretty much didn't want to leave the island, don't ya think?

Well, I think this is going to be a very long list! More next blog!

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