Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More of the Sexiest Men Scientists to Grace The Screen!

More cute scientists in film and on TV. 

James Callis as Dr. Gaius Baltar, Battlestar Galactica. As a friend of mine, Lynn wrote, he"raises the bar for complex, troubled geniuses the world over, but DAMN!!!" One look at the man says: Brood. Brooding, plagued with guilt-ridden visions of God, Cylons and the universe,  the man might be a god.  Yet he has masterminded and schemed and been responsible for horrible crimes. (Not unlike God has been accused of.) He is a tortured soul.

11.James Spader as Dr. Daniel Jackson in Stargate. -- too bad this isn't the Daniel Bat for Lashes wrote their newly famous song about. Dr. Jackson is who Goldblum later channels to great effect for his David Levinson role. Spader, who has played nearly every character role imaginable from the poindextery anal-retentive ass kissing dweeb in Mannequin to creepy sleazeballs supreme here plays Mr. Innocent Genius Scientist Linguist and Egyptian Symbol interpreter extraordinaire,. and seems to have an odd germanic accent sticking in his craw at times when his voice gets really low. The bangs dangle boyishly into the glasses, he is endearing when he falls for a native girl.

12. Christopher Lloyd as Doctor Emmet Brown in Back to the Future -- Say what you will. The crazy white hair, energetic creativity and "Damn, double damn!" and telling it like it is according to Doc Emmet Brown is all a bonus part of the package of the man who made ime travel sexy. Thats' right. It wasn't Michael J. Fox, who kissed his mother, it was Doc Brown, the scientist who promised all us kids "Where we're going we don't need roads!" There are few scientists more beloved and adored than Doc Brown, and I'm pretty sure everyone who saw this movie as a kid still has their heart do a little dance when Doc is alive thanks to the bullet proof vest at the end of the first Back to the Future, and we all root for our favorite mad scientist falling in love with Mary Steenburgen in the third installment. I so wanted to grow up to be a school teacher and marry Doc everytime I watched that movie.

Dr. Frank-n-Furter -- A Scientist ;) -- As portrayed by Tim Curry. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have here one of the all time cult favorites, the alien scientist from another planet slinking across the screen in fishnet around those dancer's legs, that leather lace-up vest, ruby-red laquered vamp lips and devil-may care, flirty mile-high mascaraed eyes, seducing everyone in sight because darlin' he is a Sweet Transvestite. People still keep going back for more over 30 years later. Let's do the Time Warp Again!

Spock -- As played by Leonard Nimoy in the original Star Trek.This is the actor and the character who set the bar for all the other scientists -- Vulcan or not -- when it comes to intense, understated performances and dear god, dare I say subtle nuance in sci-fi? He made logic desirable and sexy, thoughtfully contemplating a course of action and then implementing it. Or is the perceived subtle nuance just because he was playing next to Shatner so many times? There were a few over the top performances by Nimoy, but by God, I believed it when Spock mind-melded with that poor creature whose eggs were being destroyed by merciless poacher bastards, and I believed his naievety, willingness eventually to surprise and bend the truth and accept his humanity. Aside from Bond and before that ludicrous idiot Dr. Evil who does NOT make the list, no one else has had such an effect on eyebrow expression.

Bones/ Dr. Leonard McCoy as played by Karl Urban, New Star Trek film--

Whoa, nelly. I am so glad to see Karl Urban can act. I was a bit concerned over him being cast as one of my all-time favorite characters (I loved Bones the most of everyone on the old show) to say the least. So I was more than pleasantly surprised the man can act! He does a fabulous job of playing the big-hearted, romantic ladies man under the gruff exterior, who has a very active imagination.

Simon Pegg as the Engineer Scotty, New Star Trek Film.The enthusiasm, the boundless energy, the humor, the hearty laugh - Simon Pegg does Scotty's character justice and is adorable.

Carl Sagan as himself, TV series, Cosmos.
Honestly, Sagan is one of the best, brightest, noblest, creative and most compassionate human beings. That deep voice, that way of speaking as though he really cares about you, the viewer/audience and how he does not talk down to people, which is to say he is not condescending despite his gigantic . . . . intelligence ;), but really believes we all can be practically Dalai Lamas, well, there aren't many better role models around. He really believed, like I do, that there is hope for humanity, that we have great things to accomplish together. I like to think he is a kindred spirit, and wish his spirit well.

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