The family had been once before. We attended this faire again, for my dad's birthday and because we all enjoyed it.
Much of the cast was the same. Don Diego, Don Juan, the Town Cryer, Anne Boleyn & Morgan the Herbalist who also plays Morgan Le Fay, and the Scotsman, and the gypsies.
They played Strega Nona again.
My daughter kept finding feathers. Hawk feathers, and long blue feathers fallen from a lady's hat, who when Morgan went to give her it back gave her another. My father bought her a peacock feather.
When we first got there, my son and mother jumped a bit thanks to a loud shot of cannon.
Then the day began with dancing. It was so much fun. I got asked to dance, as well, the last, formal dance, and that was a treat. I did all right for a first-timer.
One of the fun dances involves stepping in a circle and a "lady" getting thrown to the right (or was it left;) by a "lord."
I found that with so many tall men, I often had to do a bit of jumping to reach up to their shoulders and get tossed around.
I tried some archery, for the first time in my life and made a bull's eye on my first attempt, smack in the center of the red heart.
I also tried some weapon throwing. I threw a knife, an axe and a ninja star.
I really want to buy a bow and some arrows.
I love archery, just like I always knew I would. I could do it all day, practically.
It was only a $1 for five shots.
During the Battle Chess I got to be king. It was hot, -- in more ways than one -- and I got to use a gorgeous fan made with feathers. I also liked being escorted to and from the board by beautiful ladies and lords.
It's good to be king!
I didn't get to sword fight the rat catcher as it was all a ruse for King Henry to take on the devious Don Diego.
By the time we got home, we were all very tired, in the best possible way, and everyone slept well.
Renaissance Faires are held through the Untied States, and in fact the world, through out the year, and I suggest getting to one near you as soon as possible.
They are always fun, and all the players really make it come alive.
What a great way to live, if one could, going from Faire to Faire performing, selling wares or yummy foods.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
More of the Sexiest Men Scientists to Grace The Screen!

More cute scientists in film and on TV.





Whoa, nelly. I am so glad to see Karl Urban can act. I was a bit concerned over him being cast as one of my all-time favorite characters (I loved Bones the most of everyone on the old show) to say the least. So I was more than pleasantly surprised the man can act! He does a fabulous job of playing the big-hearted, romantic ladies man under the gruff exterior, who has a very active imagination.


Honestly, Sagan is one of the best, brightest, noblest, creative and most compassionate human beings. That deep voice, that way of speaking as though he really cares about you, the viewer/audience and how he does not talk down to people, which is to say he is not condescending despite his gigantic . . . . intelligence ;), but really believes we all can be practically Dalai Lamas, well, there aren't many better role models around. He really believed, like I do, that there is hope for humanity, that we have great things to accomplish together. I like to think he is a kindred spirit, and wish his spirit well.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Sexiest Men Scientists in TV and Movies Mad, Sane, and Otherwise

I just want to start this blog with an excerpt from the song stuck in my head right now, "Paradise by the Dashboard Light," by Meatloaf. Because the subject is sci-fi hotties and characters, has been observed often, from the dashboard of a car at a drive-in theater, and I always think of my parents watching some of these actors and movies probably one of the times I was in fact conceived. In a Ranchero, NOT an El Camino as I was just informed this morning.
This song still makes me laugh pretty hard, as I remember pulling Bat Out of Hell out of my mom's vinyl record stash -- the awesome, illustrated album in all its kick ass 70s glory and putting it on my stereo one night when my dad was visiting. The record had probably been around since my parent's were the age of the characters in the musical drama. My dad started snorting and laughing, grabbing the lyrics and his face turned a deep, deep red.
My mom rolled her eyes at my dad and smiled.
I grabbed the lyrics from my dad and instantly understood a bit of family history and started laughing too.
To this day, I get a big kick out of singing and going a bit over the top re-enacting this song and many other Meatloaf songs.
GIRL: I gotta know right now Do you love me?
Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me?
Will you make me so happy for the rest of my life?
Will you take me away and will you make me your wife?
I gotta know right now! Before we go any further Do you love me? And will you love me forever? BOY: Let me sleep on it Baby, baby let me sleep on it Let me sleep on it
And I'll give you an answer in the morning Let me sleep on it
GIRL: Will you love me forever?
BOY: Let me sleep on it GIRL: Will you love me forever!!!! III. PRAYING FOR THE END OF TIME I couldn't take it any longer Lord I was crazed And when the feeling came upon me Like a tidal wave I started swearing to my god and on my mother's grave That I would love you to the end of time I swore that I would love you to the end of time! So now I'm praying for the end of time To hurry up and arrive 'Cause if I gotta spend another minute with you I don't think that I can really survive I'll never break my promise or forget my vow But God only knows what I can do right now I'm praying for the end of time It's all that I can do Praying for the end of time, So I can end my time with you!! BOY: It was long ago and it was far away And it was so much better that it is today GIRL: It never felt so good It never felt so right And we were glowing like A metal on the edge of a knife
So now that we've established a proper cheeseball atmosphere of American cinema the way it used to be, and essentially the way it is still in living rooms or dens across the nations when dutiful parents aren't around, on to the sexiest, Scientist men in TV and film.
What makes a scientist hot isn't always what makes the typical hunk hot. As a friend of mine, once wrote on my Facebook wall "Don't you just love a man with a big . . . . intellect?"




Speaking of Cute Neurotics -- it seems most scientists and intellectuals are portrayed that way on film and TV -- take the recent franchise The Big Bang Theory, with its entire apartment complex full of nerds as a prime example.
Can you say stereotype boys and girls?





Well, I think this is going to be a very long list! More next blog!
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